God is Patient and Kind, Even to the Bad

Thamwar Monsang csc –

Readings: Jer 7: 1-11; Mt 13: 24-30

Jesus began his mission with the words, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is near” (Mk 1:14). Proclaiming the gospel of God’s Kingdom, Jesus sows the good seed of God’s word. Those who accept it grow and bear fruit, while those who reject it and persist in their self- righteousness set themselves on the path to condemnation. Weeds always try to kill the good seed, but our faith and trust in God give us the power to overcome all life’s difficulties. When we lead a good life, God may allow us to face some suffering to test our faith and trust in him. The parable also reflects the reality of human nature.

In nature, weeds cannot become wheat, nor can wheat become weeds, though some wheat can become weak and useless. However, among human beings, the bad can change, be converted, and become good. Therefore, God allows both to grow together. Good and evil coexist in society and within individuals.

God is patient and kind, even to the bad, giving them ample opportunities and time to improve themselves. Those who open themselves to God will benefit from his mercy. All of us should make the most of the opportunities God gives to better ourselves.