God Seeks Empty Vessels to Fill With His Glory

Wantei Warlaitthma csc –

Readings: Job 1: 6-22; Lk 9: 46-50

In the Gospel passage, we see the disciples arguing about who among them would be the greatest in the Kingdom of God.

In response, Jesus places a little child before them as an example, teaching that true greatness in God’s Kingdom is found in humility and simplicity. Like the disciples, we often seek recognition and admiration, wanting to be seen as important or great in the eyes of others. However, Jesus teaches that these desires do not matter in the Kingdom of God. What truly matters is humility and a willingness to serve others. Those who are humble and have a heart for service are the greatest in God’s eyes.

Jesus himself is our ultimate example of this kind of service. He came not to be served, but to serve, humbling himself by taking on our human nature to elevate us to share in his divine nature. To be filled with God’s life and power, we must empty ourselves of pride and self-importance.

God seeks empty vessels to fill with his glory, power, and love. Let us ask the Lord to grant us humility of heart and the freedom to love and serve others selflessly and with respect.

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