“Let our ‘prayer from lips’ move to ‘action from hands’.”
Today’s Gospel invites each of us to be merciful and to do our action without expecting in return. We judge others very fast. Reading invites each Christian to be a person of open mind who can help others regardless of one’s limitation and his difference.
Globalization is growing day by day. More people have a better relationship in the matter of trade and business. They have a better opportunity to exchange goods among cities, cities to states and even in country level. But the competitive mentality also has got a root in our society. People have become more individualistic. All try to acquire wealth and possession. But Jesus is asking you and me to change – ‘Change of heart’. Change of heart will always make impacts on the actions of a person.
As we are in the season of Lent, let us prepare ourselves to be a person of the heart, a person who is merciful, compassionate and forgiving. Jesus assures him a reward of the same value with more in quantity. Lord has lavished mercy and love towards humanity by sending his only son. And that same generosity and readiness to give ourselves are what is demanded of us. It consists in the sacrifice and it is always painful. But it will always transform into joy if it is done voluntarily and readily.
Thamajoy Reang csc - Readings: Dan 9: 4b – 10; Lk 6: 36 - 38 The first reading shows us how prophet Daniel prays and confesses to God the sinful and shameful deeds of the people. Prophet Daniel feels the love and mercy that the Lord has shown to the…
Preet Anupam Beck csc - Readings: Is 58: 9c-14; Lk 5:27-32 We have already begun the season of Lent. This season invites us to have metanoia: a transformative change of heart. A satisfactory reformation is expected in our attitudes and behaviors every day. The first reading of the day invites…
John Desing csc - Readings: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 The parable of the tax collector and the pharisee tells us that we cannot buy God’s mercy with our good deeds and obedience to the law alone. We are justified not by our human efforts and strivings but by the gratuitous…
Thamajoy Reang csc - Readings: Dan 9: 4b – 10; Lk 6: 36 - 38 The first reading shows us how prophet Daniel prays and confesses to God the sinful and shameful deeds of the people. Prophet Daniel feels the love and mercy that the Lord has shown to the…
Preet Anupam Beck csc - Readings: Is 58: 9c-14; Lk 5:27-32 We have already begun the season of Lent. This season invites us to have metanoia: a transformative change of heart. A satisfactory reformation is expected in our attitudes and behaviors every day. The first reading of the day invites…
John Desing csc - Readings: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 The parable of the tax collector and the pharisee tells us that we cannot buy God’s mercy with our good deeds and obedience to the law alone. We are justified not by our human efforts and strivings but by the gratuitous…