Guide, Comforter and Consoler

By Vimal Kumar A, CSC –

Readings: 1 Mac 2:15-29; Lk 19:41-44

Life is infused with ample opportunities and possibilities. What I become depends on the choices that I make and the possibilities that I choose to explore. Today’s reading emphasizes on the discernment to choose good over the bad. In the first reading, Mathias chooses the path which is right and pleasing to God by refusing the king’s orders. Jesus laments over the city of Jerusalem because the people refused to accept Jesus and his teachings. Despite several occasions that Jesus revealed himself through healings and teachings, the people did not acknowledge him as their redeemer.

For me, accepting Jesus is an exquisite and priceless opportunity that leads me to salvation; rejecting Jesus is the misfortune and failure that leads to a mélange of self-destruction and tribulation. Today’s feast, the presentation of Mary, also reminds me of the choice that Mary made to live a life of holiness and singular devotion to God. It is an invitation for me to realize and utilize all the possible opportunities to discern the will of God by choosing the good over the bad always. With a contrite heart, I acknowledge my weaknesses and the moments that I despised him, and the wrong choices I have made in my life.

Jesus is always there to love and accept me as his chosen instrument when I repent and lament for my sins and failures. I choose to follow Jesus and his teaching firmly, no matter how big the hindrances and failures that I am going to face are. He never deserts or forsakes me because he is my guide to lead me and the comforter to console me.

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