Have a Genuine Desire to Find Jesus

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Ecc 1: 2 – 11; Lk 9: 7 – 9

In the first reading, we hear the preacher from the Book of Ecclesiastes speaking about the meaninglessness of life without a proper focus on God and the eternal nature of his creation. The passage reflects on the cyclical nature of the world: “The sun rises and sets and returns to its place; there is nothing new under the sun.”

The preacher conveys that everything in creation is perfectly made, leaving nothing new for us to seek beyond understanding the purpose God has set for everything. Our daily routines—waking up, brushing our teeth, working, eating, and going to bed—often feel repetitive and without meaning. However, this reading challenges us to find meaning in God and his creation in every moment of our lives, recognizing that all is part of his divine order.

In the Gospel, we hear about Herod the Tetrarch, who is perplexed by the miracles and teachings of Jesus. Herod’s curiosity about who Jesus really is reflects a fulfilment of the preacher’s observation that the search for understanding and meaning is timeless.

Despite being a notorious sinner, known for his role in the deaths of innocent children and John the Baptist, Herod still desired to see Jesus. This serves as a reminder to us that even amidst our sinful tendencies, we should seek Jesus in our lives and recognize his presence in others and in creation. Like Herod, we are invited to search for Jesus, not just out of curiosity, but out of a genuine desire to find meaning and truth in him.

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