On July 26th, exactly three years ago Indian Catholic Matters (ICM), a self-funded digital online media initiative, began its spiritual journey. The word anniversary was first used for Catholic feasts to commemorate saints. The other day, sharing about the forthcoming anniversary of ICM (as it is popularly called), Shaji Zacharia, a friend of mine, I was delighted to hear him say: we can very well apply to ICM the words of Isaiah 52:7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
A Virtual Triennial Celebration
26th July 2020 is a special date for ICM. It is the triennial anniversary of its beginning (26 July 2017-26 July 2020). Company anniversaries are among the most significant corporate events. ICM is a digital Catholic platform and this anniversary is going to be exceptionally unique during this Covid-19 global pandemic. It is going to be an ongoing virtual celebration that has already got connected with many of its authors for ‘By Invitation Articles’ and will climax in a thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration.
ICM: It’s Treasures
ICM is one of the best places for information on varied topics. To the delight of the visitors, the site has become a public square. It is being enhanced with Catholic spiritual content spanning –News, Faith/Spirituality- Reflections, Homilies, Biblical studies, Family – Youth, Q&As, Helpline, Education, Healthcare, Catholic Culture – Art, Film, Book and Offbeat Catholic content. ICM has created an opportunity and has given marginalized groups voice by posting praise-worthy contribution to lift the spirit of its readers, particularly against the backdrop of the sudden outburst of Covid-19 global pandemic. Worth recalling are that the ICM has a user-friendly Home page to its credit free from any request for ‘donate now’, ‘just your contribution is missing’ etc.
A Deeper Glance at ICM
Doing an evaluation using the guidelines Evaluating Web Resources https://libraryguides.lanecc.edu/c.php?g=391374&p=2658455 (C.R.R.A.P.P) Currency, Relevance, Reliability, Authority, Purpose and Point of View, indubitably we can affirm that ICM as an online Catholic platform is an appropriate source of information in line with its vision and mission.
Created on 26 July 2017, there are timely revisions and most of the time the link works well. The page is maintained with Christian modesty, new materials are uploaded and audiovisuals are embedded within the articles. Relevant articles are uploaded for important occasions like Laudato Si’ Week, Covid-19 global pandemic, significant anniversaries etc. The articles are highly edited, normally crisp and to the point. Speaking of reliability, the content is well thought about and edited with an advanced journalistic touch. Edited by a lay Catholic journalistic, along with his parish friend who supported him in setting up ICM – has all the required credentials to take it far.
ICM is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church and is ever alert and loyal to the Magisterium of the Church. The site has abundance of spiritual material and can help to make a revolution in the minds of people: “Word in Action.” St. Paul calls it a “spiritual revolution”: And be renewed in the spirit of your mind (Ep 4:23). The purpose and the goals of the site are made known. The vast majority of readership is informed, enriched and challenged to provoke an apt response. There is less by way of ‘comments’ the challenge is to make the readers more interactive. With regard to point of view, the author of ICM is not affiliated with an institution. Anyone who searches for ICM will quickly find evidence for what it stands for. At the click of a mouse at “About Us,” or “What we do,” or “Who we are,” or “Mission” one can obtain valuable information. Indian Catholic Matters focuses on factual fair and balanced reporting.
Triennial Anniversary and Beyond
Three years on from the original proposal to be “a digital online media initiative that aims to provide unique content which is spiritually enriching and uplifting for the nearly 20-million Indian Catholic diaspora”, for ICM it’s a moment to commemorate how far it has come, however also an opportunity to reflect on how far it has yet to go. Today, when more than half of the world is online, there is an urgent need to make the web available for everyone in order to level the divide between those who are online and those who are not. It is more pressing than ever to ensure that the other half are not left behind offline.
At key moments, generations before us have stepped up to join hands for a better future, now too as the web reshapes our world, ICM can come up with significant contributions to accompany the people to live the post Covid-19 period with realism, courage and hope as it champions within the Church and stands up to protect the open web.
ICM’s 3rd Anniversary should plunge the ICM community into a process that signals a paradigm shift in a new way of being missionaries; how Covid-19 pandemic challenges the human family to have a fresh kind of relationship and net-working with our online community. The way forward is challenging and at the same time hope-filled; for ICM is flexible enough to adapt to the rapid pace of change in technology to network effectively with individuals and institutions. It is ICM’s journey from digital childhood from 3rd year on to a more mature, responsible and inclusive future. Technology has played an important role in improving and expanding education worldwide; it is heartwarming to watch ICM nurturing young minds.
With a note of thanks
From the commencement of ICM’s history to its major achievements throughout the past three years, there is much to praise and thank God for and plenty to echo thanks to each other. As this article spells out ICM an outsider’s view, it is fitting that together with its 20 million and more readers across the globe and the host of authors from various fields, we congratulate ICM and its team for their commitment to offer high quality content, delivered on time in attractive packages. ICM keeps pace with the times and ensures that digital technology and social networking creatively and discerningly collaborate to draw and accompany people of all walks of life to the abundant springs of Life.
In no way ‘ICM an outsiders view’ can be concluded without profound gratitude for its effective network of collaborators from all of us: the vast number of readers, authors, writers, well-wishers. At the click of a mouse, there we are at the ICM portal…An ICM corporate culture well colored with the Joy of the Gospel is in the making and there is a healthy ICM brand awareness that is already creating ripples in the world.
The 3rd Anniversary is a splendid opportunity to open wide the readership to measure effectiveness and follow up. The anniversary will become a great opportunity for noteworthy readership acquisitions and planned growth opportunities as a powerful marketing tool.
ICM is well aware that: “Indian Catholic Matters is playing a critical role in being one of the leading Christian media organisations in India. In order to grow further, ICM needs to ‘create Education, Marriage, Conference, and Events platforms that can help the community in the ecumenical space. More importantly, the ICM model that can be scaled up globally, which means that in the long run this model can be replicated in different countries.’”
Hunter S. Thompson has expressed it powerfully: “Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.” May it be so for the millions of readers, authors and the ICM Family.
Jesus Christ is the good news. With Jesus we have no idea how much we can accomplish! The best is to allow the Spirit to guide us: « There is no greater freedom than that of allowing oneself to be guided by the Holy Spirit, renouncing the attempt to plan and control everything to the last detail, and instead letting him enlighten, guide and direct us, leading us wherever he wills. He knows well what is needed in every time and place » (Pope Francis, EG 280).
Teresa Joseph fma is a freelance writer (1992 onwards) authored books and has contributed numerous articles for various Journals in India and abroad. She is “one of the 20 panelists on the Global Sisters Report Panel, ‘The Life’ for 2019-2020.”
Congratulations Sr.Teresa Joseph, a very well written article, as you rightly said, good news is rare these days and yet we have the contents in ICM, wish many more years of service with Gods blessings.