Imitate Jesus’ Sacrificial Spirit

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Jn 12: 24-26

In today’s gospel Jesus uses the metaphor of a grain of wheat that must die to produce many seeds, illustrating that true life and abundance come from self-giving and sacrifice. He emphasizes that those who cling selfishly to their lives will lose them, but those who give up their lives for his sake will find true meaning and eternal rewards.

St. Lawrence embodied this teaching through his ultimate sacrifice. His martyrdom was like that grain of wheat, falling to the earth and dying, yet producing a rich harvest of faith, service, and courage. His life challenges us to let go of our selfish desires and ambitions, to die to ourselves so that we may live for others and for God.

As we honour St. Lawrence today, let us ask ourselves: Are we ready to prioritize spiritual matters over worldly affairs? Are we prepared to die to our selfish desires and ambitions to produce a harvest of faith and love? How do we respond to Christ’s daily invitation to live a life of self-sacrifice and service- mindedness? Jesus assures us that his followers will be with him, and God the Father will honour those who serve him.

This assurance calls us to live with authenticity, embodying the gospel values in our everyday lives. It invites us to imitate Jesus’ sacrificial spirit by transcending our pride, ego, and selfish motives, allowing him to lead us to eternal rewards.