Mother Mary

Immaculate it is Pure, Tender, Selfless

Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Is 61: 9-11; Lk 2:41-51

Today, the Holy Mother Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We refer to Mary’s heart as immaculate because it is pure, tender, and wholly devoted to humanity. She selflessly served Jesus with all her being.

The first reading speaks of the future glory and joy of God’s people. The servant rejoices in the Lord, adorned with the garments of salvation and righteousness. This feast reminds us to prioritize our spiritual growth by engaging in spiritual activities, prayer, and meditation, mirroring Mary’s contemplative life centred on Jesus.

The reading also recounts Jesus’s engagement with teachers in the temple, emphasizing the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding from him. The interaction between Jesus and his family shows the significance of family bonding, urging us to cultivate relationships wherever we are. It encourages open communication within families to foster awareness and connection. Mary’s contemplative nature and her ability to treasure life’s events serve as a model for us. She dedicated her life to God, teaching us to follow her example and commit ourselves to God’s service.