Imphal Archdiocese Conducts 7-Day Retreat on Theme “Jericho 2022: A Call to Prophetic Intercession”

By Fr. Blasius Tete SDB –

Senapati: At a time when taste for spiritual things is dwindling fast, to get things back on track, a seven-day residential retreat cum training programme was conducted by the Imphal Archdiocese under the title: “Jericho 2022: A Call to Prophetic Intercession” at Divine Glory Prayer Tower, Senapati, Manipur from 21 February to 27 February, 2022 preached and trained by Chevalier Cyril John and Rev. Fr. Bobby Emprayil, VC, renowned and experts in dealing with the topics.

A total of 100 participants took part in the retreat cum training programme, observing the first come, first serve criterion: 4 priests, 15 religious sisters from different congregations from Nagaland, Manipur and Assam, and the rest of the participants were catechists and lay leaders. Laying special emphasis on the correct structure and right spirit of the prayers, the entire move was aimed at promoting prophetic intercession in Manipur. The preachers were masterfully direct about it. As a matter of fact, it is something that many people are looking forward to doing.

The retreat cum training programme kicked off on 21 February at 6.00 pm local time. Speaking at the inaugural talk, Chevalier Cyril John dealt on the theme: “Urgency of Intercession” in which he highlighted some of the important spiritual realities of Christian life.

On the second day, he spoke on three themes: Confession, Holiness and Love.  “Intercession is a human-divine partnership” Chevalier Cyril John said speaking on the definition of intercession. “It is life that prays not words” the preacher added further while speaking on the theme of confession. “You need just one saint to transform your people and place”, said Chevalier Cyril John speaking on holiness. “Holiness is the womb of missions” added Chevalier Cyril John.

He also spoke on the five layers of sanctification: Heart, Eyes, Ears, Mind and Tongue. In the afternoon session he spoke on “Prophetic Intercession.”  In this session he exhorted the trainees to put out into the deep water (Lk 5:4) for a bigger catch in terms of saving thousands of souls, to stand as bridge between God and his people (Eze 22:30), to pray according to God’s will.

The participants were led further by Chevalier Cyril John to the six steps of prophetic intercession namely: 1.To EMPTY ourselves (5 minutes), 2. Asking the Lord WHAT to pray for (10 minutes), 3. Asking the Lord HOW to pray for (10 minutes), 4. Intercessions (25 minutes), 5. To LISTEN to the Lord (8 minutes) and finally 6. THANK the Lord.

On the third day, he spoke on 13 rules of intercessions namely: 1. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, 2. Pray according to God’s will, 3. Pray with vision, 4. Pray with faith, 5. Pray with love, 6. Pray with compassion, 7. To pray identifying with the person that we are praying for, 8. Pray with unity, 9. Pray with spiritual burden, 10. Pray with zeal for souls, 11. Interceding, thanking and praising God, 12. Three dimensions of intercession: one can pray from or in the room, one can offer up things to God, one can fast, abstain from things and offer it up for the salvation of souls. 13. To take a persistent stand. He also taught “Jericho Prayer” based on Joshua 6:1off. The participants were asked to pray Ps. 91 and prayer to St. Michael before they could go out for Jericho prayer march.

On the fourth day, Chevalier Cyril John spoke on the following themes: “Intercession in the power of the Holy Spirit”, “Charisms” which are meant for common good, to equip people for the ministry for building the church. “There is no copyright for the charisms. It belongs to the church. People should not charge money as consultation fees and the like. Charisms are not adornments for individual Christians. It is the church who possesses the charisms” said Chevalier Cyril John. He taught in details two of the Charisms: 1. “Gift of Tongue, and 2. Word of Knowledge. At 4.30 pm local time the participants had gone for the outreach intercession to some of the prominent places of Senapati town. In the evening after the evaluation on the outreach intercession, Chevalier Cyril John dealt with the theme: “Fasting and intercession.”

On the fifth day, he spoke on the theme:“ Spiritual Warfare.” “Evil one is against those who work for a) the kingdom of God, b) who keep the commandment of God, c) who work for the salvation of souls, d) who bear witness to Christ.” Said Cyril John. He also spoke on three layers of protection: 1. We are fighting with a defeated enemy, 2. We are the warriors, 3. Battle field is in the mind. He also spoke on “Mary and Intercession.”

On the sixth day, he spoke on the theme: “Suffering and Intercession.” giving emphasis on the suffering of St. Paul and Job and the citation of Jesus in the Bible. In the second and third talks of the day Chevalier Cyril John spoke on: “Intercession and Mission” and “Intercession as a way of life.”

Finally Chevalier Cyril John gave the participants some practical tips to persevere in the ministry of prophetic intercession namely: 1. Personal Prayer, 2. Word of God, 3. Sacraments specially Confession and the Holy Eucharist.

Conclusively done and dusted, in his concluding remarks, Rev. Fr. Bobby Emprayil, VC said: “We are here to help. Together we shall save souls.” Saying this he led the final adoration service where every individual was prayed over by all the priests present for the programme. When the vote of thanks was being proposed, the whole programme was dubbed a “Banquet of rich food for the soul to save souls”

Chevalier Cyril John was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1982 and was called to CCR leadership in 1991. He was previously the coordinator of the Delhi Crusaders, Chairman of the Delhi Archdiocesan Service team and coordinator of the national intercession Network in India. He is the Chairman of the Indian National Service Team. He was a member of the international Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS) Council in Vatican and was its Vice-president until 2015.

Chevalier Cyril John worked as Joint secretary and chief of Protocol in the Indian Parliament for 34 years until 30 November 2016.  He lives in New Delhi with his wife Elsamma. They have two sons and two daughters. Cyril is the author of the books: Spurred by the Spirit, Come let us celebrate the Eucharist, Pray Lifting up Holy Hands, Prophetic intersession: A response to the signs of the time.