In a Historic First, Two Women Create History at the Papal Basilica

Verghese V Joseph –

Vatican: In a groundbreaking move, the Vatican Basilica’s maintenance team has welcomed two remarkable women, Lisa and Miriana, to its ranks – a historic first in the Basilica’s long and storied history.

For more than half a century since the founding of the Fabric of St. Peter’s, the maintenance of the Basilica’s iconic cobblestones had been the exclusive domain of men. But now, these two young women, both with artistic backgrounds and training in decorating, plastering, and masonry, have broken through this long-standing barrier.

Lisa (26 years old from the province of Padua) and Miriana (21 years old from Reggio Calabria), both with an artistic course of study, have attended the course for decorators, plasterers and masons of the School of Arts and Crafts of the Fabbrica di San Pietro.


The presence of women in the Fabric of St. Peter’s is not entirely new, but in no case until now had female workers entered the corps of cobblestones. For years, in fact, the presence of mosaic artists in the Vatican Mosaic Studio annexed to the Fabbrica has been consolidated.


For years, the Vatican Mosaic Studio has been home to skilled female mosaic artists, carrying on a tradition that dates back to the 1500s. In the past, widows and orphans were employed as workers, often inheriting family businesses from their deceased husbands or fathers, and the Fabric ensured they received the same economic and work conditions as their male counterparts.

But until now, no woman had managed to join the elite corps of cobblestone maintenance workers – a testament to the determination and perseverance of Lisa and Miriana. Their achievement is a powerful symbol of the changing times and the Vatican’s commitment to embracing diversity and inclusivity within its hallowed walls.

As Father Enzo Fortunato, the director of Communications of the Papal Basilica of St. Peter’s, proudly announced this groundbreaking development, it signals a new era of opportunity for women in the Vatican. The Fabric of St. Peter’s, with its rich history and tradition, has now opened its doors to a new generation of female artisans, empowering them to leave their mark on one of the world’s most iconic religious sites.

This historic moment serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for young women everywhere, demonstrating that no dream is too lofty, no barrier too high to overcome. Lisa and Miriana’s success paves the way for future generations of women to follow in their footsteps, shattering glass ceilings and redefining the boundaries of what is possible.

In the hallowed halls of the Vatican Basilica, where the echoes of centuries-old traditions still linger, a new chapter has been written – one that celebrates the power of determination, the triumph of passion, and the boundless potential of women to shape the course of history.

One comment

  1. Seeing the headline I thought 2 women were ordained deacon! Being appointed as artists is certainly not a screaming headline 😐

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