Preet Anupam Beck csc –
Readings: 2 Cor 3:15-4:1,3-6; Mt 5:20-26
The readings of today invite me to be humble and to be patient with my fellow brothers and sisters. In the first reading Saint Paul tells the people of Corinth that they do not proclaimthemselves but Jesus Christ as Lord. All the good works and the ministry that Paul and his companions did were to make Jesus known, loved and served.

In the Gospel Jesus speaks to his disciples to be good and do good and to exceed their righteousness from that of Scribes and Pharisees. It is not enough just to follow the law but it is more important to love others. There are times in my life when I feel proud about the work that I have done and the achievements I have achieved because of my talents.
Today I am strongly reminded not to be self-centered about the good that I do like the scribes and the Pharisees did during their time. I am invited to keep Jesus at the center of my life and to be a simple tool in his hands to spread the message of love.
The love which the Lord demands consists of patience. This patience is to let go of my anger, hatred and jealousy towards my fellow brothers and sisters. I am challenged not to lose heart on my fellow brothers and sisters but in humility be reconciled with them. Jesus is inviting me to practice this love of humility and patience.