It is Only with God that I Can Remove My Blindness

By Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: Sir 42: 15-25; Mk 10: 46 -52

The heavier the load I carry, the greater my trust in God should be. I need to stand on my conviction, sometimes like the blind Bartholomew. Others may not really understand my needs or what struggles I am going through. No one can understand me the way God does and as I possibly understand myself.

Like Bartholomew, the more I am discouraged externally, louder my voice and call to God for help will be. I need to understand that once he touches, my life will never be the same again. We have had a number of great personalities (Sts. Paul, Augustine, Ignatius and so on) in the history of faith who taught us to find everything in God. Once I come to Jesus, my purpose should be clear.

Bartholomew knew exactly what he wanted. He was excited when Jesus called him, his faith makes him throw away his cloak without a second thought, believing that he will be liberated from the burden of blindness. So, he hastens and says, “Teacher, I want to see again.” This answer should be my response to Jesus too, when I am in a phase of uncertainty.

The worldly concern has sometimes blinded my heart from seeing what I really need. My heart in its core wants a solid relationship with God. The relationship that Jesus wishes me to have with him is that there is no greater love that I can have for my friend than to lay down my own life (Jn 15:13). It is only in being with God that I can remove all my blindness.