Jesus Challenges us to Proclaim Our Belief in Him

Thamwar Monsang csc –

Readings: Eccl 3: 1 – 11; Lk 9: 18 – 22

In the gospel, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” They respond with various answers, indicating that people see Jesus as a prophet or a great teacher. But then Jesus asks them directly, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answers, “The Christ of God.”

This passage challenges us to consider our own understanding of who Jesus is in our lives. It prompts us to reflect on our personal relationship with him and the depth of our faith. Like Peter, we are called to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and to follow him with conviction and dedication. Jesus then explains to his disciples that he must suffer, be rejected, and be killed, but he will rise again on the third day.

This revelation foreshadows the crucifixion and resurrection, highlighting the redemptive purpose of Jesus’ mission on earth. As we meditate on this passage, we are reminded of the sacrificial love of Christ and the ultimate victory of his resurrection.

It invites us to embrace the mystery of the cross and to trust in God’s plan for our salvation, even in the face of suffering and challenges. Jesus challenges us to proclaim our belief in him and to live out our faith with courage and conviction, knowing that he is the source of our salvation and the fulfilment of God’s promise of eternal life.

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