Tarsish Marak csc –
Readings: Sir 2:1-11; Mk 9:30-37
The first reading of the day is raising the question, ‘Are we ready to serve the lord? If we are ready how far we have prepared ourselves to serve him? The reading reminds us that as servants of the Lord we should place our trust in the Lord because he will never abandon the one who goes to him and cling on to him.

The passage inspires us to see our trials as united with the cross and resurrection of Jesus. In the gospel reading Jesus talks about his death and the resurrection. Jesus faced lots of struggles in his ministry. He never gave up amid difficulties and faced the challenges with confidence and perseverance.
Therefore, as today’s responsorial psalm says I commit myself to the Lord and seek his help. To work for the good of all is not an easy task, it is a challenge. When trials and tribulations come on my way, I can say joyfully with the conviction that Jesus’ grace is sufficient for me to do his will.