Jesus Tests Us But Also Strengthens and Encourages Us

Wantei Warlaitthma csc –

Readings: Josh 24:1-2a,15-17,18; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6:60-69

We celebrate the 21st Sunday of the ordinary time. The readings invite us to make a choice: to stay committed to our faith or to turn away from it. In the first reading, Joshua challenges the Israelites at Shechem to decide whether to serve the living God or the gods of the Amorites. Like Joshua and his family, we should choose to serve God in the Church.

St. Paul, in the second reading, urges believers to make the right choices in life, building Christian marriages on mutual respect and sacrificial love. In the gospel, Jesus gives his disciples the option to stay with him or leave like others. The disciples choose to stay because they recognize that Jesus has the words of eternal life.

This challenges our faith and commitment. Are we willing to follow Jesus’ teachings even when it is difficult? We must be courageous like Peter, who said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” Following Jesus is not easy. He tests us but also strengthens and encourages us. When we say ‘Yes’ to his will, we commit to him every day. To remain with him and do his work, we need his blessings and the accompaniment of his Spirit. Let us ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge to make the right choices and proclaim his Holy Name.

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