John the Baptist: The Challenge of Standing Up for Truth

Sarbin Soreng csc –

Readings: Jer 1: 17-19; Jn 6: 17- 29

Today, we commemorate the Passion of St. John the Baptist.

In today’s gospel, we witness the consequences that come with power and the challenge of standing for the truth. John the Baptist was steadfast, unwavering like a tree rooted deeply in the truth. He chose death at the hands of Herod over a life of compromise before God. Herod, despite having the potential to be a good man, made poor decisions because he compromised his values.

John the Baptist is celebrated today as a hero who spoke truth to power and was willing to face the repercussions of his honesty. He was not a prophet who could be swayed by political influence; instead, he had fully submitted his will to the divine.

He faithfully delivered the message he was sent to proclaim. In contrast, Herod was manipulated by his ego, pride, and the influence of his wife. Despite his power and promises, he emerged as spineless and gutless. When we examine our own lives, we often find ourselves manipulated by our surroundings.

We become like those in power, caught in morally compromising situations, afraid to move forward or backward because we are trapped. We know the right thing to do, but fear holds us back, especially when we are surrounded by people like Herod. As we contemplate the life of John the Baptist, let us consider how we can beautify our own lives by making small sacrifices each day and living for Christ with integrity and courage.

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