Keep Your Minds and Hearts Open

Jebin Jose csc –

Readings: 2 Cor 5:14-17; Jn 20:1-2,11-18

Today we celebrate the feast of Mary Magdalene. She serves as a powerful example of faithfulness to the Lord. She was an apostle of Jesus, though she was not recognized as such by the people of her time.

However, Jesus was fully aware of her faithfulness. We are all called to be apostles of Jesus. Who is an apostle? An apostle is one who is sent by the Lord. Mary Magdalene was elevated to the status of an apostle when Jesus told her, “Go to my brothers.” Therefore, she can be referred to as the “Apostle of the apostles.” When she met the disciples, she declared, “I have seen the Lord.” She did not say, “I think it was the Lord” or “It could have been the Lord.”

Her unwavering faith in Jesus allowed her to experience the risen Lord in her life. I am confident that we have all experienced Jesus in our lives through various encounters. How is my faith now? Let us continue to keep our minds and hearts open to experiencing the presence of the Lord in our lives through prayer and maintaining a firm faith in him.