Know the Lord Intimately and Experience His Power

Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Gen 41: 55-57; 42: 5-7, 17-24; Mt 10: 1- 7

God has chosen us for his mission and each day we need to commit ourselves to him and to his way to serve him. In the Gospel we see Jesus called his disciples ‘to him’. We need to be with Jesus. We need to learn to quietly meditate on his word and commune with him in prayer.

We need to go through a period of preparation and training before being sent forth. A personal relationship, being with Jesus day by day is essential for ministry. The disciples were given authority to drive out unclean spirit and to heal the sick.

The authority and power given by the Lord concerns ministry, not position or earthly dominion. It is to defeat the evil tendencies; it is to fight against the evil that possesses the minds and hearts of the people. Joseph in the first reading won over the evil deeds of his brothers and played the role of a savior.

Jesus chooses who are kindhearted like Joseph to be the messengers of his peace and forgiveness. As we are commissioned to be sent out let us do the needful to know the Lord intimately and experience the power of his resurrection every day.