Know the Plan of God

By Eldho Augustine, CSC –

Readings: Acts 11: 19-26; Jn 10: 22-30

The Gospel reading of the day invites us to listen to the voice of the Lord. If I am his sheep, I will listen to his voice and follow him wholeheartedly. In two ways I can listen to the Lord. Firstly, it is through the word of God and prayer. Secondly, through the people who are around me. Former path is more of a direct revelation from God and the latter is through his indirect revelation.

In the first reading, we see the believers who became an indirect voice of God to the Jews and the Gentiles in Antioch to believe in Jesus. The power of God was with them. As a religious I am called to become a voice of the Lord to make him known to the people and a voice for the people who need him.

In order to become a voice of the Lord for the people, I need faith and the grace from the spirit. So, I need to trust in the Lord with a faithful and truthful heart. How can I gain it? It is through prayer, meditation, and listening to the promptings of the Spirit in the daily breaking of the word of God. Through these practices I can listen to him and know the plan of God.