Let Go of Anything That Hinders Our Relationship with God

Thamwar Monsang csc –

Readings: Ezek 24: 15-24; Mt 19: 16-22

In the gospel, a rich young man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Though he follows the commandments, Jesus sees one thing holding him back from fully committing to God.

Jesus tells him to sell his possessions, give to the poor, and follow him. This tests the young man’s priorities and reveals his true heart. Sadly, he walks away, unable to let go of his wealth and unwilling to make the sacrifice Jesus asked. This story challenges us to reflect on our own lives and what we hold most dear.

Are we willing to let go of anything that stands in the way of our relationship with God? Are we willing to make sacrifices and put God above all else in our lives? It is easy to become attached to material possessions, wealth, and comfort. But Jesus reminds us that true happiness and fulfilment come from following him wholeheartedly, even if it means letting go of things we hold dear.

Just as the rich young man was called to give up his possessions, we too are called to examine our hearts and ensure that nothing stands in the way of our relationship with God. Let us pray for the grace to let go of anything that hinders our relationship with God. May we have the courage to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, trusting in his promises and seeking true happiness in him alone.