Let Us Stand Firm in Our Faith

By Ishongkun Kurbah

Readings: Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31

In the Gospel, two blind men cried aloud to Jesus, ‘have mercy on us Son of David,’ because they knew Jesus could heal them. When Jesus tested them by asking, ‘do you believe that I am able to heal you?’, they firmly answered with a ‘yes’ and they were able to see again.

This is the fruit of unwavering faith and trust in Jesus. In this time of crisis and uncertainty, when we do not know what to do, we are seeking answers and looking for healing. We are like those two blind men waiting for God’s intervention. Though we have eyes, we are blinded because of COVID-19 and other atrocities, political and environmental issues.

Hopelessness and despair have overshadowed us. You and I are in need of help, in need of the light and fire to enkindle our hope and life. Let us stand firm and persevere in our faith journey by believing in Christ Jesus. He came to save and heal us. Let us stay together with St. Peter during time of test and trial ‘Lord to whom we shall go, you have the word of eternal life.’