Let’s Look Towards the Light

By Shiju Joseph, CSC –

Readings: 1Jn 2:18-21; Jn 1: 1-18

The last day of the calendar year. And the gospel today is the beginning of the gospel of John. All ending are just new beginnings. John speaks of the light that came into a world that still preferred darkness.

Old Testament is rife with longing of the Israelites for the day of the Messiah. And yet when “he came to his own, his own people received him not. But to all who received him, he gave the grace to be called children of God.”

At the end of the year, where do I stand? In darkness as someone who could not recognize my God when he came to me? Or in his light as a child of God? We probably will never be able to count the number of times that we have refused to receive him and preferred the darkness. And yet, it is the moments of light, the moments when we have experienced the joy of being a child of God that take us forward.

Even as we regret the moments we chose darkness during the past year, may we look forward to much more moments of light in the paternal love of our Father in the new year.

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