Thomas Lima csc –
Readings: 2Cor 1: 18-22; Mt 5: 13-16
Today’s readings make us to reflect on empowerment and fulfilment. They do so with the beautiful image of “God’s seal in our hearts,” and the exhortation to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world.”

Paul tells his beloved Corinthians that there is no negative or tentative aspect of God; that God is faithful, and God’s faithfulness is made manifest in Jesus Christ; God is a keeper of promises; God, too, is the One who has “put his seal upon us and given the Spirit in our hearts as a first instalment.” How wonderful it is to contemplate that we have the “signature” of God on our individual hearts. How awesome it is to contemplate that we have been chosen and set apart by this faithful God. How wondrous it is to call upon the Lord and have his face shine upon us! This is another Pentecost as God’s Spirit rests upon our hearts.
That is empowerment. But what to do with this empowerment? We cannot just sit here and contemplate the wonders of God, the love of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. We can do just that, of course, but our prayer should bring forth actions. Our actions should grow out of our prayer. Our contemplation should urge us, empower us, to respond to the exhortation of Jesus to be “salt of the earth,” and “light of the world.” We are all capable of being salt and light. We can all be lights in the small corner of the world where we live.
We can bring light into the dark, provide light to find the lost and to find the way. In light or darkness, we turn to God, and in the words of today’s Psalm, say: “Lord, let your face shine on me.”