By Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn –
The Holy Family Convent in the village of Kadawal, Kudal Taluka Sindhurdurg district, has been rendering yeomen services to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sindhurdurg, in the outskirts, which comprises of five far off sub-stations, in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra, India. The sub-stations Sonawade, Gotage, Varche Zambote, Khalche Zambote, are at the death end of Son Ghatt near Kolhapur district while Oros Kurd is away from Oros town surrounded by hills and fields.
Kadawal is a beautiful place surrounded by hills, valleys, mountains and fields. A very fertile land for cultivation with very hard working warm people and encircled by majority of Hindu brethren.

The house was established way back in June 1992 when Sindhurdurg was under Poona Diocese, with Most Rev. Valerian D’Souza as its Bishop. The parish priest of Holy Spirit Church, Rev. Fr. Agnelo D’ Souza sfx was at Kadawal and Bro. Inacio de Souza a helper. Fr. D’Souza, felt the need of the sisters for pastoral work and to have English Primary School. So he sought permission from Most Rev. Valerian D’Souza the Bishop of Poona and the Bishop asked Fr. D’Souza to approach Sisters of Holy Family of Nazareth, Goa as he has found in them the missionary spirit, endowed with simplicity.
The then parish priest Fr. Agnelo D’Souza sfx came to meet the then Superior General, Rev. Sr. Mary Jane sfn to ask to open a new convent at Kadawal, in Kudal Taluka, Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. After pondering over the same, our sisters agreed to send some sisters to open the new house. Two Srs. Stephanie and Fremiot saw the place and visited people there, stay on weekends and came back on Mondays. After a lot of visiting and familiarity with the people and the place, the convent was opened on 4th June 1992, named after the Holy Family called Holy Family Convent.
The main apostolate sisters carry on is the Pastoral work, Family apostolate, Youth and the recently opened Social Service Centre. The Centre did not have a well established structure to carry on its activities as in the early stages the different schemes were held in the Parish premises.
The first house in which the sisters began the missionary endeavour is renovated and set aside for this new venture which was blessed on 8th December 2021 by His Grace Alwyn Barreto, the bishop of Sindhudurg Diocese and inaugurated by Superior General Rev. Sr. Berna Rodrigues, in the presence of our Sisters, the Parish Priest Fr. Francis Vettuparackal, the Secretary of Bishop Rev. Fr. Cajetan Pereira ofm Cap, Don Bosco Fathers and the Director of Sindhudurg Social Service Centre Rev. Fr. Melwyn Pais along with Frs. Amit, Richard and the parishioners. After which the tailoring class and village children conducted a prayer service imploring God’s blessings and a cultural program.
The Directress Sr. Jeya Kodi, proposed the vote of thanks and was overwhelmed to see the distinguish presence of the dignitaries who extended their support by their graceful presence, and words of appreciation and encouragement by the Bishop and Superior General. The Director Fr. Pais shared about the initial stages how Sr. Jeya came to meet him, all formalities and today we see the fruits of hard labour.
When contacted Sr. Kodi says, the Centre intends to move to the sub-stations so that the people there also gets the benefits availed by the Centre in collaboration with the Sindhudhurg Diocese Social Service Centre situated at Sawantwadi and support of the Congregation.