May Easter Enable us to Live Jesus

Readings: Acts 10: 34, 37-43; Col 3: 1-4; Jn 20: 1-9

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it! Jesus is risen never to die again! This day represents Christ’s victory over death and fulfilment of all that was foretold of Him. This day brought salvation to the people and belief to the unbelieving. As I rejoice over the resurrection of our Lord today, I am also reminded of His suffering and death which brought him to today’s glory. Often we wish to celebrate the joyful events of Jesus Christ but fail to take part in His sorrowful events. We like to have fruits without action, success without hard work, light without darkness, happiness without sadness, joy without sorrow and EASTER without LENT.

There is no doubt that my heart is filled with joy to celebrate the greatest event, but did I really prepare myself during the season of Lent through fasting, prayer and almsgiving? Did I share in the sufferings of Jesus? If not, I would find no meaning in rejoicing over the resurrection of Christ. Jesus said, “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (Jn 12:24).” In our effort to live Christ not only can we experience his suffering and death but also his resurrection.

Whenever we imitate Christ in His compassion, justice, reconciliation, faith, and encourage each other to be people of hope, we experience resurrection and become people of resurrection. May our celebration of Easter enable us to live Jesus so as to have many more resurrection experiences in and through our lives.