By Arun D. csc –
Readings: Ex 1: 8- 14, 22; Mt 10: 34- 11:1
Through the gospel Jesus reminds us that to be his true follower is not an easy task. We may create many enemies if we try to be authentic followers. Yet, he reminds us to be true to ourselves and not to fear. The fear of the cross is rampant in our society. We do not like to take risk in our life and are happy to be in our comfortable zones.
The message of Jesus would challenge our life of comfort and make us to lead a prophetic lifestyle. He gently invites us to extend a helping hand to those in need, forgetting our own self. He values even a glass of cold water to the thirsty.
The question before us is how we responded to the pandemic situations, where our own people were in need. Have we had the courage to meet the poor at our door and our own family and community members who are affected or did we remain in the comfortable rooms under the pretext of safety and social distancing? Many priests and religious abandoned their pastoral duty in the name of social distancing.
It is here that the message of Jesus is most challenging whether I was true to my calling or I was following him as per my conveniences. As Christians we are reminded powerfully by Christ that, unless we carry the daily crosses and deny ourselves courageously we cannot be his true disciples. May the Lord disturb us and our comfortable life to be authentic in our following.