Dimapur: Peace Channel, a peace movement initiated by the Catholic Diocese of Kohima in Nagaland, invited nominees for the 13th Peace Channel Award for individuals who have taken initiative to prevent, intervene and have made exceptional contributions in peacebuilding, conflict resolution and related issues in Nagaland and North-East India.
The Peace Channel Award was conferred during the Peace Knit Fest 2020 on September 21, 2020 at North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research, Dimapur, Nagaland.
Some of Peace Channel’s former Peace awardees are Ms Christina Thone, Mr. L P Therie, Ms Mary Konyak, Ms Ahimsa Zhimo, Dr. Wati Aier, Ms Hukheli T Wotsa, Rev. Mongzueng Mpom, Dr. Akum Longchari, Mr Taku Longkumer, Mr Neidonuo Angami, Rev. Kari Longchar, Mr Niketu Iralu, Mr L Vitokhe Assumi, Dr. Chingmak Chang, Prof Lanunungsang Ao, Mr Ahidur Rahman, Mr K Khekeyi Sema, Kevichusa Family and Mr Y Yanbemo Lotha.
Peace Channel, in commemorating the Foundation Day cum 13th Peace Knit Fest on 21st September 2020 at North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research (NEISSR) at Dimapur in Nagaland, conferred Ms. Seno Tsuhah as Peace Awardee 2020 for her contributions towards addressing issues of women rights, good governance, natural resource management and sustainable livelihood in Nagaland.

Seno Tsuhah is a member of North East Network, a women’s rights organization in North-East India. She has 20 years of experience in working with grassroots communities of Nagaland particularly women. The work involves mobilizing and organizing, awareness-raising, capacity building, research and documentation and advocacy. Her engagement with ecological issues ranges from strategic policy advocacy with village institutions, state, regional and national networks, mobilizing young people in cultural and environmental audio-visual documentation and enabling women farmers in strengthening the practice of ecological farming and sustainable livelihoods.
The director of Peace Channel Fr. C.P. Anto while delivering his welcome address thanked almighty God for all His blessings in providing so many good people who have become part and parcel Peace Movement. He also thanked special guest Ms Avonou Kire, EAC, Development, Dimapur Nagaland; Religious and Civil society leaders and all the stakeholders of the movement.

The 2020 theme for International Day of peace was “Shaping Peace Together”. Fr. Anto urged the congregation to celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic and appealed to the society build peace and reconciliation with all and promote dialogue as a means to settle the differences. “Peace Channel has focused to build peace among children though peace clubs, youth through peer mediation and adult through peace team forum, if we work consistently and systematically we can make Nagaland a most peaceful state in the country by 2030,” he added.
Ms Avonuo Kire, EAC, Dimapur appreciated the organisation for the initiatives in inculcating core values among the youth and children. The present initiatives will bring fruit in the future. She appreciated the interfaith meet as it is only on a secular fabric that we can actualise the vision and life of peace.
Ms. Seno Tsuhah, in her award acceptance speech, expressed her gratitude to the peace channel for the honour. “I accept this award on behalf of thousands of women with whom I have travel, especially the resilient women farmers who practice ecological agriculture, women artisans, women vendors, community elders, custodians and traditional knowledge holders who sustained lives” she added.
Seno continued, “There is an urgent need to take forward the society with good leaders in the governments and faith-based organisations. The world needs healing, not only human beings but our planet, mother earth. The COVID-19 crisis is also a time to reconcile and make peace with mother earth”.
Besides the award ceremony, the other events of the day were the Inter-Faith meet and the launching of Peace Channel Publications. The sessions were moderated by Ms. Vitono Haralu, trainer-cum-consultant. Ms. Temsuyala Longkumer did a reading from different scriptures; the occasion was graced with the lighting of the lamp by Special Guest Ms Avonou Kire, EAC, Development Dimapur, Miss Garrol Lotha and leaders from various faith traditions.