New Shepherds of Hope: Bengaluru Celebrates Historic Ordination of Auxiliary Bishops

Verghese V Joseph –

Bengaluru: On Saturday, August 24, 2024, the Archdiocese of Bangalore celebrated a momentous occasion with the episcopal ordination and installation of two new auxiliary bishops, Msgr. Arokiaraj Satis Kumar and Msgr. Joseph Susainathan. This historic event, marking the first appointment of auxiliary bishops in the Archdiocese in 54 years, took place at the St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Bengaluru.

The ceremony commenced at 9 AM with a grand procession that saw over 400 priests, led by the Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore, making their way to the Holy Altar. The atmosphere was filled with reverence as the choir led the congregation in hymns of praise and worship, setting a solemn tone for the day’s proceedings.

Archbishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras,

The installation of the new auxiliary bishops was the focal point of the ceremony, conducted with deep solemnity and prayerfulness. The rites were presided over by Archbishop Emeritus Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, along with Rev. Dr. Anthonyswamy, Bishop of Chickmagalur, and Archbishop Machado, who served as the chief celebrant. The presence of nearly twenty-four archbishops and bishops from across the country underscored the significance of the occasion.

Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado

During the ceremony, Archbishop Machado, alongside Bishop Gerald Lobo of Udupi and Bishop Lawrence Pius Dorairaj of Dharmapuri, spoke on the vital role of a bishop within the Church. They drew parallels to the Biblical image of the shepherd, emphasizing the responsibility of bishops to care for their flock, often at great personal risk. The bishops reminded the faithful that, like Jesus, the Good Shepherd, they are called to lay down their lives for their community.

The Archbishop urged the congregation to embrace the new auxiliary bishops as their spiritual leaders, encouraging them to offer full support in their pastoral duties.

In a heartfelt address during the felicitation program, Archbishop Machado highlighted that the selection of Msgr. Satis Kumar and Msgr. Susainathan was not based on their intelligence or administrative prowess but rather on their humility and simplicity. He reassured the congregation that both bishops would serve all people, irrespective of culture, language, or tradition, with a special focus on the poor and marginalised.

The event also featured a collection taken during the Holy Mass, which was dedicated to the survivors and victims of the recent landslides in Wayanad, Kerala, showcasing the Church’s commitment to social justice and compassion.

The ceremony attracted a vast gathering, with over 6,000 lay faithful, alongside nearly 500 priests and religious sisters, filling the expansive campus of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. This overwhelming turnout reflected the community’s support and joy for the new bishops and their roles within the Archdiocese.

The felicitation program began with a vibrant welcome dance performed by students from St. Rocks School, adding a festive spirit to the proceedings. Msgr. Alberto Napolitano, representing the Apostolic Nuncio, conveyed warm and prayerful greetings to the newly ordained bishops. Archbishop Emeritus Moras paid tribute to the dedication and commitment of the new auxiliary bishops as pastoral ministers.

As the ceremony concluded, the two new bishops expressed their sincere gratitude to the congregation, acknowledging the support and love they received from the community. This historic ordination not only marks a new chapter for the Archdiocese of Bangalore but also reinforces the Church’s mission to serve with humility, compassion, and dedication to the faithful. The appointment of Msgr. Arokiaraj Satis Kumar and Msgr. Joseph Susainathan is expected to enhance the pastoral and administrative responsibilities within the Archdiocese, fostering a deeper connection with the community they serve.

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