Offer Your Honest Prayers and Homage of Love Before Him

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: 2 Thes 1: 1 – 5, 11 – 12; Mt 23: 13 – 22

In the first reading, we hear Paul and his followers greeting the people of Thessalonica with the grace and peace of the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. They thank the believers for their great faith in the Lord and their endurance amidst persecutions and tribulations. Paul also prays to God for the Thessalonians, asking that they may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God and that all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work of faith may be fulfilled in power. This reading reminds us to greet each other with the grace and peace of the Lord, to thank and appreciate the good works done, and to pray for one another for our mutual good and the glory of God.

In the gospel, we see Jesus expressing his displeasure with the foolish behavior of the Scribes and Pharisees. This behavior is often reflected in our everyday lives. The attitudes and actions of the Scribes and Pharisees have become routine for many of us. We prioritize our name and fame before others over placing ourselves before God. We strive to be superior to others instead of answering our call to be servants of God.

Sometimes we utter big words but fail to show concern for others, deceiving them with empty promises. Often, we love to pray in public with sweet words but neglect personal prayer in solitude, where we can gaze upon the eyes and wounds of the crucified Lord. Today, Jesus is calling us to offer our honest prayers and homage of love before him.

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