The first reading speaks about the importance of praying together. “Family that prays together stays together” said Ven. Patrick Peyton. When we see this earth we need to praise and thank God in our prayer, because the earth is created systematically and everything has its own purpose.
In the second reading we can see the importance of light. Light helps us to see things in proper way. The gospel reading tells about darkness. We all come into this world with true light, later it becomes dark because of our way of life. The gospel and second reading tell about light and darkness.
There was a painter who was not generous. His paintings were sold for large amounts of money. One particular painting did not find buyers. It was the painting of a house. So he wanted to know why people were not buying that painting. One fine day one guy came to buy painting. He saw the painting and rejected it. The painter asked him why he rejected the painting. He replied that in the picture of the house, the main door had only one handle and it was on the inside. It shows selfishness. You don’t want anyone to come inside. When we live for ourselves our life will be in darkness, like the painter who was not able to see light in others.
As we are celebrating Christmas, we pray for the grace to accept others in our life. As we are celebrating Christmas, let us open our heart and mind to others.
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By Naresh Namindla csc - Readings: Is 52: 7-10; Heb 1: 1-6; Jn 1: 1-18 Four weeks of preparation to witness the birthday of Jesus is going to yield fruit as we celebrate Christmas today. The WORD which was with God from the beginning becomes flesh to be with us,…
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By Naresh Namindla csc - Readings: Is 52: 7-10; Heb 1: 1-6; Jn 1: 1-18 Four weeks of preparation to witness the birthday of Jesus is going to yield fruit as we celebrate Christmas today. The WORD which was with God from the beginning becomes flesh to be with us,…
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