Part 2 – The Sanctifying Power in Weakness: Purification Through a ‘Thorn in the Flesh’

By Vinay Silva —

He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit. – Jn 15:2

In the process of growing spiritually and getting closer to the Lord, there could come a time when God may want to do a particular work of purification in a person, in order to remove whatever attachment, wrong attitude or false expectation is hindering his journey to holiness and into divine plans.

This is when, in His Sovereignty, God permits a painful situation or a suffering, only to achieve a greater good. This could be an illness, physical or emotional weakness, negative behaviour, nagging memories of the past and inner wounds, dealing with difficult family members, troublesome colleagues or classmates, having strained relationships, unanswered prayer, loss of a loved one, etc. Trials and tribulations cause pain of three types – physical, emotional and spiritual.

A Thorn in the Flesh

When St. Paul was experiencing such a nagging situation which was causing him pain, he prayed fervently for healing, but the prayer was not answered. Instead, Jesus told him –

”My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness”. – 2Cor 12:9

This situation is referred to as a ‘thorn in the flesh’. All of us experience this in different ways and in various seasons of the spiritual journey. Paul mentions that this was given to him to keep him humble and to prevent the sin of pride. Today, through the various challenges that we face in life, we need to understand that God may be allowing us to be afflicted with a troublesome situation, in order to achieve a greater outcome of sanctification, which is what He ultimately desires (1Thess 4:3).

Through the pain, if one is in a prayerful state of grace, the end result is a step towards holiness and a deeper intimacy with the Lord (Ps 119:71, Rom 5:3-5, Jam 1:2-4).

We need to be aware that this redemptive purpose will happen only if one willingly co-operates with the Holy Spirit through prayer. If there is rebellion, denial or resentment, not only will the benefits will be lost, but Satan also takes advantage of the ‘weakness’ and “comes to steal, kill and destroy” (Jn 10:10). In this way, the soul is hindered from advancing closer to God.

A Call for Inner Transformation

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Rom 12:2

Since disciples of Jesus do not belong to the world as mentioned by the Lord himself (Jn 17:16-17), the call to sanctity is all the more something to think about. Following Jesus in this life requires a deep, spiritual transformation within the heart of the disciple.

To the extent that he freely co-operates, man’s thoughts and affections, mentality and conduct are slowly purified and transformed, on a journey that is never completely finished in this life. – Pope Benedict (No. 6, Door of Faith)

You have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth. – 1Pet 1:22

It is a serious topic of inner conversion. It is not our baptism, regular church attendance, good and charitable works, ministries, helpful nature, etc. that take us to heaven, though all these are very important. The words of Jesus below strongly remind us that there is something more which is needed – inner change of heart through obedience and a poverty of spirit (Matt 5:3).

Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of  heaven. – Matt 18:3

A Deception about Purgatory

Inner change is a must if one has to be with God forever in eternity as nothing imperfect or with blemish can enter Heaven (Rev 21:27).

Not just sins and attachments, but even imperfections will need removal and cleansing in order for a soul to truly reflect the image of God and be in His presence forever (Jude 1:24).

It is a deception and a grave error to assume that all necessary purification and transformation happens in purgatory and that not much needs to be done here on earth. This is a false understanding of the purification that happens to a soul after death leading to a lukewarm spirituality. Purgatory does exist but yet, it is a urgent, universal call for each one of us to be proactive in the area of growing in holiness through a willing co-operation with the Holy Spirit, right here on earth.

“Let us ask the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us a fervent longing to be saints for God’s greater glory, and let us encourage one another in this effort.” – Pope Francis (No. 177, Rejoice and Be Glad)


Though the ‘thorn in the flesh’ causes ‘weakness’, it can also bring about an inner transformation which in turn causes one’s spiritual eyes to be opened to have a more profound understanding of the eternal life. This is truly a treasure. By desiring and praying earnestly for our purification and by working pro-actively in obedience to the promptings of the Holy Spirit during the pruning stages, a deeper intimacy with Jesus will be the end result. True freedom of heart is experienced along with a spiritual maturity which in turn bears all the more fruit in the vineyard of God’s Kingdom.

“Make me into a saint, my God, even if you have to beat me into it.” – St. Josemaria Escriva

Sanctify me, O Lord
Cleanse my body, mind and soul
Purify me … and make me whole.

Vinay Silva is an architect from Bangalore. About 15 years ago, he experienced a renewal in his faith life and has been spiritually inclined ever since. He has recently completed a 2-year commitment on full time basis with a lay Catholic community. Over the recent 4-5 years, he has been actively involved in sharing God’s Word in small groups and through writing. For about 2 years, he led the Small Christian Community (SCC) meetings at his parish along with teaching at a few prayer groups. About 25 articles of his have been published in various Catholic magazines. His desire is for the prayer life to be strengthened in the Church today and for an awakening of faith for the glory of God. He can be reached at