
Part V: Indian Catholic Church and Youth Ministry

By Fr Soroj Mullick, SDB –

A study of few instances indicates that catechesis is a weak aspect of YM. Often catechesis is removed from YM, or is the least engaged dimension of YM. While some may have strong catechesis, other try to integrate youth catechesis into all the activities such as retreats, youth meetings etc.

Youth animators must be aware of the interconnectedness of the dimensions of YM (Education & Culture, Evangelization & Catechesis, Groups and Movements, Vocations) and create programmes which are organically comprehensive, where one dimension reinforces and flows into the others. Each event contains all the dimensions, even if the theme of the event focuses on just one e.g. community, catechesis, prayer, and evangelization.

An Youth Ministry (YM) which shows that “Deus Caritas est” (God is love) in the figure of the Good Shepherd is the true approach that is needed to tread upon. A review of the YM in India shows the essential breach of link between evangelisation and education. This educative-pastoral action becomes the revelation of God. Jesus “took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length “(Mk 6: 34), a practical expression of Christ’s mind, heart and shepherd’s hands. This first response of his pastoral compassion is evangelisation, along with satisfying the basic human needs. It must answer to the “what” (needs to be done), the “how” (looking to the future) and especially the “why” regarding the YM. This model of Jesus in YM is to be studied and contextualized and be put into practice through a cultural revolution and a renewed youth catechesis.

The description of the overall picture presented by the CBCI shows the shambles found in various sectors on the YM operating without unity and qualities. The various sectors would include: Clubs, Associations, and Youth Centres; Parish oriented youth groups and movements; the School and the world of formal education; Professional Formation and work preparation; University students; migrants and marginalised youth; other presences and flexible forms of service to the young; information technology and means of social communications etc, so as to lead them to the risen Lord, and so to discover in him and in his Gospel the deeper meaning of their own existence.

To be continued…

Fr. Soroj Mullick, SDB is a Salesian priest from the Kolkata Province. He has a Licentiate in Catechetics and a Doctorate (Christian Education) from UPS, Italy. He has number of years of teaching experience in college and in the formation of future priests. Besides, he has written number of research papers and articles, and has 25 years of Ministry in India and abroad as Educator, Formator, Retreat Preacher, Editor and engaged in School, Parish Catechetical & Youth Ministry. He is now an assistant priest in Bandel Basilica, rendering pastoral and catechetical ministry to the parishioners and to the pilgrims. He can be contacted at