Place Spiritual Growth Above Worldly Distractions

Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Gal 1: 13-24; Lk 10: 38-42

The first reading highlights Paul’s apostleship and his remarkable conversion from persecutor to preacher of God’s Word. In it, Paul defends his mission, stating that he was called to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. By God’s grace, He revealed His Son to Paul on the road to Damascus, commissioning him for this mission. It was God who took the initiative in calling and transforming Paul. This reading encourages me to pursue a profound transformation, just as Paul experienced, calling me to embrace humility and remain attentive to God’s guidance in my life.

In the gospel reading, Jesus visits the house of Martha and Mary. Martha, busy with serving, becomes distracted and anxious about her tasks, while Mary, sitting at Jesus’ feet, listens attentively to His teachings. Mary prioritized spiritual nourishment over material concerns.

Together, these readings encourage me to place spiritual growth above worldly distractions. They call me to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus by spending time with him, listening, and being mindful of the distractions—like social media, time-wasting, and laziness—that can hinder my spiritual progress. When I dedicate time to him, I gain greater clarity in hearing his voice and following his will.

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