Readings: Est 4: 17; Mt 7:7-12
Today’s liturgy calls us to pray earnestly. There are a few times when I read this gospel passage, I ask why Jesus said that everyone who asks, searches and knocks will receive, whereas I was a failure in getting things I wanted. I got the answer when I read the following verses. God is like a father who knows what his child is in need of before he asks.
It is true that good things happen in God’s own time and one who waits in patience with faith will receive. When I ask something to God in prayer in return God expects me to do my homework, my effort. The best example I can give is my own studies; if I don’t study and ask God to do wonders it will not happen.
Same thing applies in most of the prayers. The prayer that I pray is never a waste because I feel grateful at the end of prayer for time spent with the God of all goodness; and prayer time is always productive time in making us people of more love.
-Aron Vas, CSC