Akhsi Wary csc –
Readings: 2Pet 1:1-7; Mk 12: 1-12
The first reading of the day emphasizes spiritual growth and the importance of living a virtuous Christian life. It is God who gives us grace and the power to live a blessed life. It also tells us that our faith and belief must be accompanied by moral values to be good Christians.
In the gospel, Jesus tells a challenging story about a man who entrusted his land to others. He addresses this to the “chief priests, the scribes, and the elders.” He tells them how God entrusted everything to them and how they treated all the prophets badly. Even when Jesus, the real Son of God, came, they rejected and killed Him. Jesus wanted them to hear this challenging story and experience a conversion of heart. He wanted them to accept and receive Him as the true Son of God.
Today, in the same way as we hear this gospel, we are challenged to look deeply into ourselves. We must ask: What is my role in relation to God’s desires, and what have I been entrusted or asked to tend, to care for, to give life to? In God’s eyes, each of us has a vocation, a mission, and a purpose. We have been entrusted with many things, such as personal gifts and talents, the education we receive, and the values and cultural heritage that shape us.
We also have responsibilities in our families, communities, and society. Indeed, we are accountable to God for all of these. Therefore, as children of God, we must produce good fruits without compromising quality and faithfulness to him.