Putting into Practise

By Jijo Philip, CSC

Readings: Jdg 6:11-24; Mt 19:23-30

“Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.”

Today’s readings are an invitation for me to trust in the divine providence of God. To have that trust in God first I need to have faith in God. But when I examine my life in the light of today’s gospel, I very often lack that basic faith in Jesus who called me to this way of life and who is directing me every day of my life. Being in religious life, I have experienced the providence of God in my life and I believe that the providence of God has always helped me to go through all the difficulties and problems of my life.

Yet I fail to see the hand of God in my life and I try to take credit for things by saying it is my ability or my talent that I live a good religious life. It is very easy for me to say that I have left everything for Christ in order to follow his footsteps, but it is very difficult for me put into practise what I say because it demands from me a lot of sacrifice. Today I pray that the grace of God works in me to trust in God fully and to put into practise what I say to others.