Kunkuri: The Ranchi Archdiocese rejoiced as Fr. Sumit Kumar Xalxo was ordained a priest today in Rosari Ki Maharani Cathedral, Kunkuri. During the Solemn High Mass celebrated in Hindi and Oraon and presided over by His Excellency Most Rev. Emmanuel Kerketta, Bishop of Jaspur, Fr. Sumit Xalxo was ordained by Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, Auxiliary Bishop of Ranchi.
In his brief homily, Bishop Theodore reminded the candidate that the call to priesthood is a gift from God. A priest is ordained to cooperate with the bishop in serving the Lord and his people. Ordination to the priesthood means being given the responsibility of offering Mass for the people, providing the sacraments, praying for the people and with the people. He also told him that being a priest means walking on the right path and teaching the people to walk in the truth. He said the priest is also a shepherd like Jesus called to love the people and care for them. But all this is possible only if we are joined to Jesus the way a branch is joined to the vine. A priest has to be united to Jesus in love prayer and obedience.

After the Mass, the new priest Fr. Sumit Xa lxo was felicitated by the two bishops, the priests and the people. The choir conducted by the Daughters of St. Anne sang beautiful hymns and the school children performed prayerful dances. The Vicar General of the Diocese of Jashpur, Fr. Sikandar welcomed the Bishops, priests and people at the start of the Mass. At the end of the Mass, Bishop Emmanuel Kerketta, the local bishop congratulated the Archdiocese of Ranchi and Bishop Theodore thanked the people of Kunkuri and the family for the gift of the new priest to Ranchi who he said was the fruit of the faith of the family and the community.

Fr. Tarcitius Kerketta organised the whole ceremony. Over 30 priests from Ranchi Archdiocese and Jashpur Diocese participated in the Mass. On the previous day, Bishop Theodore along with Fr. Sushil Toppo and Fr. Tobias Toppo visited the house of the new priest and blessed the gathered family and neighbours and relatives.