Sr. Lalita Roshni Lakra, DSA –
Ranchi: The first indigenous women religious congregation in eastern India concluded its 125 years Quasquicentennial Jubilee. The thanksgiving adoration was arranged at St. Anne’s Mother House, Dr. Camil Bulcke Path Ranchi on July 23 at 6.00 pm. It was because Mother House is the place where the mortal remains of our founder Mother Mary Bernadette Prasad Kispotta, Servant of God and her three Companions – Mother Cecilia Kispotta, Mother Veronica Kispotta and Mother Mary Kanil are well preserved.
Evening adoration was conducted by the DSA Sisters of Gumla Province. A candle was lit before the statue of St. Anne, the Patron Saint of the Congregation by Rev. Sr. Roseline Mallika Ekka, DSA – Provincial Superior of Jalpaiguri Province. The Holy Eucharist was held at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Ranchi, presided over by His Grace Felix Toppo, SJ, Archbishop of Ranchi. The Concluding Jubilee Mass was concelebrated by Six Bishops – His Lordship Vincent Barwa – Bishop of Simdega, His Lordship Binay Kandulna- Bishop of Khunti, His Lordship Anand Jojo – Bishop of Hazaribag, His Lordship Julius Marandi – Bishop of Dumka, His Lordship Fulgence Aloysius Tigga, His Lordship Antonis Bara – Bishop of Ambikapur and Rev. Linus Pingal Ekka, Apostolic Administrator of Gumla Diocese.
There were about 75 Priests who participated in the Jubilee Mass and prayed for the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi. The representatives of all four Provinces, four Provincials – Sr. Florencia Minj (Madhya Pradesh Provincial), Sr. Emelda Soreng (Gumla Provincial), Sr. Manjula Kindo (Ranchi Provincial) and Sr. Roseline Malika Ekka (Jalpaiguri Provincial), representatives of two Delegations (Andamans and Europe) of the Congregation and the DSA Sisters attended the Mass. There were altogether about 800 DSA Sisters for the Holy Mass. Newly elected tribal MLA Ms. Shilpi Neha Tirkey (daughter of Shri Bandhu Tirkey, Former Education Minister and Human Resource Minister of Jharkhand and Ex MLA) also attended the Jubilee Holy Mass.
The Quasquicentennial Jubilee Mass began with an introduction to the Holy Mass read by Sr. Mary Pushpa Tirkey, DSA – First General Councilor. She recalled how Fr. Constant Lievens, SJ, Apostle of Chotanagpur came to Ranchi in 1885, who preached the Word of God and worked for the tribals of this land. In 1890 Loreto Sisters came to Chotanagpur and in 1903 Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk. Loreto and Ursuline Mother became the Formators of religious formation for DSA Sisters. It was the fruit of Lievens’ mission, due to which, within 12 years of Catholic faith in Chotanagpur, with episcopal permission of His Grace Paul Goethals, SJ (The then Archbishop of Calcutta), the Mother
Mary Bernadette Prasad Kispotta, a tribal girl of mere 19 years from a small village called Sargaon (32 KM from Ranchi and 6 KM from Mandar Parish of Ranchi Archdiocese, Jharkhand) along with her three companions – Cecilia Kispotta (her step sister), Veronica Kispotta (cousin) and Mary Kanil (from a different village – Bejang of Mandar Parish) founded the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi on 26th July, 1897 in Ranchi (today capital of Jharkhand). Our Founder and her three companions helped and worked with Priests and Loreto Mothers during the time of epidemics and famine in 1895-1896 in India. They did the relief work with Loreto Sisters, Jesuits Priests and other Fathers. The Sisters are contuing the healing ministry of Jesus through health care services. The Congregation has only one hospital – St. Anne’s Hospital and Research Centre, Ulhatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand that was inaugurated by Shree Hemant Soren, the Chief Minister of Jharkhand on 18 January, 2020 during COVID Period and one School of Nursing attached to it which started on 25 April, 2011.

The DSA Sisters of Ranchi are serving God’s people through their four apostolates: Evangelization (Faith Formation), Education (mainly girl children), Health Care and Social Work. Today in 125 years of the Congregation, 1140 Sisters are working in 4 Provinces – Madhya Pradesh, Gumla, Ranchi and Jalpaiguri and two Delegations – Andamans and Europe. They have 148 Convents in 7 Archdioceses – Ranchi, Patna, Calcutta, Raipur, Bhopal, Guwahati and Delhi, 28 Dioceses – Allahabad, Ambikapur, Bagdogra, Bhagalpur, Bogaigaon, Daltonganj, Dumka, Gumla, Hazaribag, Jagdalpur, Jalpaiguri, Jamshedpur, Jashpur, Khunti, Port Blair, Raiganj, Raigarh, Rayagada, Simdega, Padua, Rome, Catanzaro and Venice

There are 8 Communities in Europe. Sr. Usha Manorama Tirkey, DSA is working in Vatican Radio (Hindi Section) in Rome. One Sister is rendering her services at the Office of the Nuncio and one in the CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs, Delhi. Present no. of Novices – 42, No. of Postulants – 46 and No. of Candidates – 77, from the tribal dominant states of Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, etc.
The Congregation celebrated the Silver Jubilee in 1922, Golden Jubilee in 1947, Centenary in 1995 and now 125 in 2022. August 9, 1992 the DSA Sisters stepped in Europe to serve God’s people. In Andamans 15 April, 1960 (it was Good Friday) so completed its 50 fifty years in 2010. There are a total 34 Sisters working in 7 Convents in Andaman Mission. The mortal remains of Mother Bernadette, Cecilia, Veronica and Mary were brought in St. Anne’s Mother House, Ranchi from the graveyard of Kokar, Ranchi through a tribal tradition called Koha Benja or Hargari (Exhumation) in
1995. Thus the Silver Jubilee of Hargari was celebrated in 2021. Centenary celebration was celebrated on 26th July, 1997 in Ranchi. His Excellency George Zur, Apostolic Nuncio for India and Nepal was the Chief Guest of this occasion. A dance drama on the life of Founder was staged at Loyola ground, Ranchi. 8th April 2002, the Pontifical Right was given to the Congregation by His Holiness (St.) Pope John Paul the Second and on 7th August, 2016, the Founder Mother Mary Bernadette Prasad Kispotta, DSA was declared SERVANT OF GOD in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Ranchi, Bull was read by His Eminence Telesphore P.Cardinal Toppo, the then Archbishop of Ranchi.
Charism: Better Service with the love of Jesus, Motto: Ablaze with the love of Jesus, Vision: Christ-Filled Society, Mission: To live Christ-like life among the poor and downtrodden.
Homily by His Excellency Bishop Felix Toppo S.J.
Today, we are called to witness the most significant spiritual festivity of the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi, who expressed joy at the closing of the 125-year Jubilee Celebration. With grateful hearts, since last year (2021) we have been thanking God for His gratuitous gifts that we have received from Him. You, as a Congregation, with the inspiration of a powerful God, are faithfully, committed to walking in the footsteps of the Lord, and renew yourselves with a lot of vigour and zeal for the love of God. It is just and pleasing to God. The Book of Ecclesiastics says ‘there is time for everything..’ and today is set by the Lord to celebrate and glorify God.
Today is the apt time to raise our hearts and minds in praise of God for all his merciful acts that we have benefited for last 125 long years. Mother Mary Bernadette Prasad Kispotta, Servant of God – the Founder of the Congregation is your loving mother, who engraved your life journey on this earth and she continues to intercede for you in heaven. In the Gospel, Jesus calls the disciples ‘Blessed’ to whom the Lord commanded and sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God. They were all specially chosen people who witnessed the work of Jesus Christ. Similarly, we find in the life of the Servant of God Mother Mary Bernadette, whom God revealed His mission to her, in and through the good works of Loreto Mothers and the Jesuit Priests. The young Bernadette was so moved and inspired by their missionary activities that, in spite of many struggles in life, she willingly responded to God’s call. She never turned back, instead she learnt to be faithful to the Lord, especially in times of challenges and temptations. The Congregation of DSA, Ranchi derives a great deal of strength from the life struggles of Mother and Founder, and impudently learn to face the difficulties of life.
We wish and pray that Sisters of this Congregation may faithfully commit their lives in the service of God, gratefully recognize the blessings of God, and draw inspiration from the Founding Mothers to work with renewed zeal in the mission. The Charism of the Congregation asks you to proclaim the gospel to the poor and downtrodden and serve them. May your community and prayer life radiate God’s love and values of the kingdom of God! As the theme of the 125 years Jubilee was, “Celebrating God’s Graciousness: Committed to Renewed Mission.” This theme was to inspire all of members of the Congregation to participate happily and willingly in the future mission of God. Transformed by the spiritual power of God, the Sisters express their profound heart’s desire to serve the Lord. Today we join hands together with the Congregation of DSA, Ranchi, in thanking and praising God for the last 125 grace-filled years for His accompaniment and blessings. We offer all our prayers, especially to the Sisters of the Congregation of DSA, through the loving intercession of Mother Mary Bernadette, so that we fulfil the will of God in our lives.
After the Thanksgiving Holy Eucharist there was the blessing of Jubilee Memorial Gate at St. Anne’s Mother House, Ranchi. Prayer of blessing was said by His Grace Felix Toppo, SJ and the newly constructed gate was blessed by six Bishops – Bishops Binay, Vincent, Anand, Julius, Antonis, Fulgence and Fr. Linus Pingal Ekka, apostolic administrator of Gumla diocese. It was inaugurated by the Superior General of the Congregation followed by Homage ceremony at St. Anne’s shrine in St. Anne’s Mother House Premises. The dignitaries were escorted by St. Anne’s School Band from the newly blessed Jubilee Memorial gate to St. Anne’s Shrine
where a small prayer and introduction was ready, thanks to Sr. Prabha Kullu, DSA. Thereafter, wreathes were offered to our four founding Mothers – Bernadette, Cecilia, Veronica and Mary then other dignitaries were invited to offer floral homage to our Patron Saint Anne, and Founder and her three companions. There was an inauguration of DSA Museum blessed by His Grace Felix Toppo, SJ and inscription stone was unveiled by Rev. Sr. Lily Grace Topno, the Superior General and inaugurated by (ribbon was cut) by His Lordship Vincent Barwa, Bishop of Simdega and Chairman of CBCI Office for Tribal Affairs. The renovated museum was visited by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries and guests; Whole day a big crowd flocked to visit the museum on 24th and 26th July, 2022.
There was a short cultural Program organized at St. Anne’s School and Intermediate College premises. The Guests and dignitaries were escorted by a tribal traditional dance called PAINKEY DANCE performed by the girl students of Gumla Province. There were so many tribal traditional dances performed by the students studying in the schools run by DSA Sisters in the remote tribal areas.
There is only one hospital – St. Anne’s Hospital and Research Centre, Ulhatu which is about 15 kilometers away from Ranchi. The nursing students have 100% result and placement too. All students come from economically poor and tribal areas of Tribal dominant states. GNM and B.Sc. Nursing trainings are imparted in our St. Anne’s Nursing school. The students get very good opportunity for their medical practice.
Five books were released on this auspicious occasion:
- Memoir (Hindi) of Mother Mary Bernadette (Founder)
- Jubilee Souvenir – Mati Ki Beti
- Spiritual Mentors of the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi
- From the Eyes of Well-Wishers and Benefactors
- Lilies Born in the Soil of Chotanagpur
Messages were delivered by the Jesuit Provincial-Fr. Kumar Xess, SJ that was read by Fr. Raymond Kerketta, SJ his Socius, Sr. Dorothy Kullu, OSU, Mrs. Lily Barla, President of Catholic Mahila Sangh, Ranchi Archdiocese and Archbishop Felix Toppo, SJ. Mrs. Barla highlighted how the Founder Mary Bernadette adopted Saree as the religious dress of the congregation so that they can be with their people if there is exploitation on the basis of religion in future. Thus she was a woman with foresightedness.
The DSA Sisters commonly known as Sant Anna Sisters work in close collaboration of the Parish Priests. Religious of any Congregations in Chotanagpur must have been touched by the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi. As the DSA Sisters run the primary schools and many studied in the schools run by them. They (DSA Sisters) contributed in bringing a better standard of life of Adivasis/ Tribals in Chotanagpur. Thus this Jubilee is the jubilee of the spiritual growth of all tribals of Chotanagpur. History of Daughters of St. Anne, Ranchi is not separated from the history of Catholics of Chotanagpur. The Sisters begin their new chapter of the history of the Congregation today. Just like Gen 2:10-15 a river flew out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divided and became four tributaries, similarly four Founding Members – Mary Bernadette, Cecilia, Veronica and Mary became four branches of the river that gave life to people in need and Sisters are continuing the same today not only in Chotanagpur but also in different parts of India and abroad.
The Archbishop said that may all DSA Sisters live the Foundational Inspiration, Charism of Founder and continue Jesus’ mission through their apostolate. At the end Sr. Lily Grace Topno, DSA Superior General declared the 125 Jubilee year closed. Balloons and pigeons were released by the dignitaries.
On the occasion of the Concluding Ceremony of the 125 Years of the Jubilee Celebration of the establishment of our Congregation, a Hindi Play “ANANDIT” based on the Life of Mother Mary Bernadette Kispotta, Founder and Servant of God, will be staged in St. Albert’s College Auditorium at 5.00 p.m. on 28 and 29 July, 2022 for DSA Sisters, Formators, other Priests, religious Fathers, Sisters, Brothers. Actors and actresses are DSA Sisters and the youth. The Concluding Jubilee Ceremony was celebrated with laity and religious on 26th July 2022 at various places where the DSA Sisters are engaged as missionaries (Convents, educational institutions.).
Pope Francis’ Papal Blessing from Vatican, Rome and other messages from Nuncio Leopoldo Girelli and Archbishops, Bishops and Major Superiors were received with gratitude on this occasion.