Reflect on Jesus’ Passion

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Eccl 11: 9 – 12: 8; Lk 9: 43b-45

The first reading from Ecclesiastes reminds us to rejoice in life, embracing the days of our youth and finding joy in our relationship with God. However, it also cautions us to remove anger from our hearts, recognizing that life has its moments of both happiness and hardship.

Just as a coin has two sides, so too does our experience of life. We all go through phases of joy and suffering, but we are assured that God is with us, especially in our weakness. In the gospel, we see Jesus casting out an unclean spirit from a boy, which amazes the crowd. Yet, immediately afterward, Jesus speaks to his disciples about his coming passion: “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.” Here, Jesus is foretelling his betrayal and crucifixion. However, the disciples do not understand what he means and are afraid to ask for clarification. This shows that they were not yet prepared to fully grasp the reality of Jesus’ suffering.

Similarly, we often hesitate to seek understanding or clarification when faced with difficult truths, whether from our parents, elders, or even God. The gospel invites us to reflect on Jesus’ passion and ask ourselves whether we are ready to partake in the suffering that many people endure today, particularly those affected by natural calamities.

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