Thomas Lima csc –
Readings: Jer 31:1-7; Mt 15:21-28
Today’s first reading speaks about the God who makes a covenantal relationship with his people. God made a relationship that says, ‘I am your God, and you are my people.’ This is the same promise that God had made to Moses to rescue the people from slavery in Egypt.
When I look back at Deuteronomistic history I always find God’s intervention in the living situation of the people of Israel. God’s love for the people of Israel was unlimited. He journeyed with them and cared for them to make a great nation.
“Woman, great is your faith” were the words of Jesus to the Canaanite woman in the gospel. She had a strong faith and hope in the divine providence. She could have given up, but she had the courage to approach Jesus. Her faith was very much rooted. Her response to the need was tremendous. Therefore, she could cry out to Jesus and say “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David my daughter is tormented by a demon.
The readings are very much inspiring and motivating in my faith journey. It reminds me to become aware of my needs. I must rely on God for everything. In my life, every action, and the new steps that I make must come through the knowledge of God.