Remember God’s Unwavering Faithfulness

Davit Nongrum csc –

Readings: Jer 23: 1-6; Eph 2: 13-18; Mk 6: 30-34

In today’s first reading, God promises to gather his flock and raise a new shepherd who will care for them justly and wisely. This reassures me of God’s faithfulness and care, even in challenging times, reminding me to trust in his plan and providence.

The second reading highlights the profound grace and love of God, who took the initiative to reconcile me to himself despite my sinfulness. Through Christ, we have access to the Father. This access is profound because it means that we are no longer strangers or outsiders but members of God’s household. We can approach God with confidence, knowing that we are accepted and loved. The gospel reading emphasizes the importance of finding solitude and rest in the presence of Jesus Christ. It reminds me that spiritual and physical rest are essential for our renewal and strength.

Jesus’ response to the people, who were like sheep without a shepherd, reveals his love, compassion, and concern for their spiritual and physical needs. This passage calls me to be a good leader, reflecting Jesus’ leadership skills in my family, community, and everyday life.

In summary, today’s readings collectively remind me of God’s unwavering faithfulness, his reconciling grace, and the importance of rest and compassionate leadership.