By His Grace Archbishop John Barwa, SVD
Cuttack-Bhubaneswar Archdiocese,
Secretary General, CBCI
Ten years ago, what happened in Kandhamal, Odisha should have never happened and should never ever happen again. We recall with greatest pain and agony the barbaric events that occurred particularly in 2008. The inhuman attack on innocent people caught unaware in the middle of the night of August 25, 2008 will always remain a black spot in the history of the traditionally peace loving people of Odisha and Independent India.
In the last week of August, 2008 following the killing of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati and four of his disciples, hate filled mobs targeted and attacked Christians. What was heart-breaking is that the massacre of the innocents continued unabated for months. The attackers snuffed out human lives, destroyed and demolished churches, homes, schools, hospitals, dispensaries, offices, and centers working for the uplift and development of the poor and marginalized people especially the tribals, dalits, OBC and others. Women and young girls were gang raped and thousands had to flee to the jungles in fear and despair.
The people of Odisha however want to turn over a new leaf and want a renewed society filled with peace and social harmony. The Christian community believes in a God who is the God of forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. We remember even after ten years how much harm hatred and anger can do to our society. We wish to remember what happened so that it never happens again. We have no enmity with anyone. We believe like the Apostle St. Paul that “trials of every sort come to us, but we are not discouraged, we are left without answer, but not abandoned, knocked down but not crushed”, (2Cor. 4: 8-9).
Over the past one decade, the Archdiocese of Cuttack – Bhubaneswar has remained close to the victims, and has been the prime driving force for the legal processes to seek justice for the victims and relief for those who have suffered. For the purpose we organized several rallies, submitted memorandums and are still fighting in the courts for justice. Today more than ever before we wish to surrender everything to our God in prayer and supplication believing as the Bible tells us that “for humans it may seem impossible, but for God all things are possible” (Mt. 19:26).
The Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar in collaboration with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) organized a Solemn Holy Mass for Reconciliation that there might be genuine feeling of goodwill, Thanksgiving for those who witnessed the faith with their heroic life, and Grace that the Church may further be strengthened to live its faith, on August 25, 2018 at St Joseph Convent School, Bhubaneswar.
Christians prayed for true forgiveness, reconciliation and peace. The community took this opportunity to thank the Government of Odisha which has shown commitment to work for the growth and progress of everyone irrespective of caste, creed and color.
Altogether, 13 Bishops concelebrated along with over 90 priests and in which Religious and faithful from all walks of life participated. Bishops from other Christian denominations also attended the celebration.

It was a reminder to the people that God works in lives and in the life of the Church through mysterious ways. The blood of the martyrs of Kandhamal has brought many blessings upon the Church in Odisha and in the Country. Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas SFX, the Secretary General of the Catholic Bishops Conference in his Homily told the congregation that like the people of Israel whoe were very often helpless but the power of God gives them such strength that no human clout can give.
He confessed that the community feels the pain but no anger as Christ teaches us to forgive. He said the Mass was being celebrated to thank God for the gift of the faith of the martyrs who showed the way to continue living the faith with courage and conviction. He exhorted the people to pray for those still suffering the pain of the tragedy, for justice for the victims but also for those who indulged in violence that God may convert their hearts and minds. The people were called upon to pray for peace and harmony in the country. The Mass was embellished by beautiful hymns sung by the Parish choir.
On the occasion of this gathering, the Decree of the opening of the Process of Beatification of Fr. Marian Zelazek SVD a Polish Priest who served in India and died peacefully in the Archdiocese of Cuttack- Bhubaneswar on 20th April 2006 was read by Fr. Prasana Pradhan the Vicar General. A book “Flames of Faith in Kandhamal, by Rev. Dr. Udayanath Bishoyi was released after the Holy Mass. Rev. Dr. Udayanath Bishoyi was the Master of Ceremonies and later proposed a vote of thanks.