The liturgy invites us to repent for our sins and be rooted in God. In the technological world we engage ourselves more on internet, playing games and watching videos but we forget to spend time with the Lord in prayer. When we don’t engage ourselves in prayer, we fall into sinful acts which will eventually take us away from God. When sin enters into our life, we face lot of struggles and suffering. It is the time for everyone to repent and get back to God.
In the first reading from the book of Genesis we see the sinful act of Cain. He killed his own brother forgetting the true love of God. He did not spend time with God before he decided. As a result of this, sin entered into his life in the form of anger and jealousy. But God gave him a chance to repent and get back to him, but he refused so he was punished by God. In our lifetime, we also fall in sinful deeds and we experience that in different ways like anger, ego, jealousy, and harmful argument. It is the invitation our God gives to each of us to repent for our sin and ask his mercy upon us to live a holy life.
The Gospel reading invites us to repent for the time we doubted the existence of God. We see in the reading that people were asking sign to believe but Jesus refuses to give, because he himself is the sign who assures the salvation for all the people. He invites us to repent for the mistakes and believe in him without any doubts.
By Thamajoy Reang csc – Readings: Rom 8: 1 – 11; Lk: 13: 1 – 9 Today, the Gospel reading calls me to repent and return to God from my sinful thoughts and deeds. And the first reading also teaches me that if I do not repent and return to…
By Fr. Sam Koonamplackil, VC - These are days to relinquish sin and evil pleasures in the spirit of repentance, and to become a new creation. What should we do to make the days after repentance a period of blessings? Some of the incidents and verses in the Bible give…
Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc. Readings: Jon 3: 1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7: 29-31; Mk 1: 14-20 Our God is merciful and ever ready to accept us when we turn to him with a repentant heart. In Psalm 51, it is articulated that God values sincere repentance over mere sacrifices as…
By Thamajoy Reang csc – Readings: Rom 8: 1 – 11; Lk: 13: 1 – 9 Today, the Gospel reading calls me to repent and return to God from my sinful thoughts and deeds. And the first reading also teaches me that if I do not repent and return to…
By Fr. Sam Koonamplackil, VC - These are days to relinquish sin and evil pleasures in the spirit of repentance, and to become a new creation. What should we do to make the days after repentance a period of blessings? Some of the incidents and verses in the Bible give…
Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc. Readings: Jon 3: 1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7: 29-31; Mk 1: 14-20 Our God is merciful and ever ready to accept us when we turn to him with a repentant heart. In Psalm 51, it is articulated that God values sincere repentance over mere sacrifices as…