Respond to the Demands of the Gospel

Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Is 55:10 – 11; Rom 8: 18 – 23; Mt 13: 1 – 13

Oh! Most Aseity, aid the bearer, Love loves to love hater. Oh! Most Infinity, aid the bearer, Hope hopes to convert sinner. Oh! Impassibility, aid the bearer, Faith wants to serve sufferer. The parable of the Sower brings before us two great lessons.

First, the lesson of sowing the seed, the lesson to the messenger of God. The messenger of God is expected to sow the seed wherever he is, no matter the difficulty, the opposition, or the discouragement. When Jesus stood before the people, he knew the kind of people who sat before him. He saw the hard, closed hearts of the religious leaders and others.

He knew the shallow, deceptive enthusiasm of the poor and needy. He saw the worldliness of the well-to-do and how entangled they were in things and pleasure. He knew that many would never listen, but he also knew something else: if he just kept sowing the seed, some would bear fruit.

The second lesson is the great lesson on receiving the seed, the lesson to the hearers of the Word of God. The soils, that is, human hearts, vary among people. The variance ranges all the way from hard rock- like hearts over to soft, ploughed hearts. Just what kind of heart a person has depends upon how he has lived and responded and conditioned himself throughout life. God wants us to be responsible for the condition of our hearts and how we respond to the demands of the gospel.