Seek the Lord and Fix Your Eyes on Him

By Anthony Jayaraj csc –

Readings: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Mt 10:1-7

The liturgy of the day is challenging as well as inviting to appropriate the significance of my vocation. God has bestowed his grace and innate gifts on me for a particular purpose (mission).

The challenging part of the gospel is to go to the last sheep of Israel. With God-given talents and gifts, I wait for somebody to approach me for help rather than reaching out to others. I realize that I need to help my community, friends, and companions in various ways by sharing my knowledge concerning studies, sports, cultural, and spiritual aspects.

Though it is easy for me to say that I want to help the less-privileged, it requires real love and humility in my approach. The temptation is to share all that I have got with those who already have more. I understand that the purpose of my vocation is not a one-time business but requires me to be consciously committed every single minute to serve those who are less fortunate. I think, to be purposeful in religious life, is to seek the Lord and fix my eyes on Jesus.