Service to God Brings More Happiness

Readings: Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13: 16-20

The gospel reading of today reminds us that no servant is greater than his master.

In the first reading, St. John narrates to people about the servants of God beginning from Moses to John the Baptist. They served the people of Israel in various situations under instructions and inspiration of God. They were merely servants of God, and never claimed themselves to be God. One among them is John the Baptist whom people thought to be a saviour, but he never claimed himself to be one.

Today’s liturgy invites each one of us to imitate the servants who have gone before us. They always relied on the providence of God. They served people on behalf of God and tried bringing people closer to God. They always gave credit to God. We are living in a world which is becoming more selfish and self-centric.

In such a world, we sometimes seek personal glory, name, and fame than that of God. Sometimes we take credit for the good work and blame God when things go wrong. The liturgy calls such people to take time and realise that service to God brings more happiness than being selfish and self-centric.