Shine in the Kingdom of God

Wantei Warlaitthma csc –

Readings: Jer 14: 17b-22; Mt 13: 36-43

Experience teaches us that appearances can be deceiving, often requiring considerable time to discern what is truly good or evil.

In today’s gospel, Jesus issues a warning that evil forces constantly seek to destroy the good seeds within us, sown in our hearts. Sometimes, through carelessness, we devote excessive attention to negative influences while neglecting the nurturing of goodness.

Therefore, we must remain vigilant and attentive, ensuring we care for the good seeds within us. Charles Read aptly stated, “Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny.” This wisdom highlights the importance of our choices in shaping our spiritual path and ultimate destiny.

The Church is a diverse community, composed of both the righteous and those still finding their way. Together, they coexist until the end of time. When Jesus, the Son of the God, returns, he will lovingly distinguish between them. The righteous will be carried by angels to heaven, where they will join the saints of God. This is like the parable of the weed and the good grain.

At first, it is hard to separate them, but as they grow and mature, their true nature becomes evident. The good grains are gathered into the barn, while the weeds are dealt with separately. Thus, those who sow good seeds will always shine in the Kingdom of God, radiating the beauty, joy, and fullness of God’s love.