Simple Deeds of Love

By Richardson P, CSC –

Readings: Ruth 1: 1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Mt 22: 34-40

Today the readings are mainly focused and centered on the theme “Love”. The first reading invites us to have selfless love, service mindedness, understanding, feeling of empathy, kindness, concern and support towards the other.

Ruth, a Moabite woman, showed her genuine love towards her widowed mother-in-law, when Naomi was left with hopelessness and terrible situations of life. Ruth gave herself totally to the service of her mother-in-law and hoped for God’s favour and his blessings in their lives.

In the gospel reading, Jesus challenges and invites us to show our love towards God and our neighbour equally from the bottom of our hearts. Jesus, by summarizing the whole commandments of the law with the word “love” reminds and expects us to have more selfless actions to the other than words. Our love towards God and his people shows the true discipleship of Christian living. Simple deeds of our love towards the other can help the other to experience God’s support and his providential care in times of problems, difficulties, sorrows and desperation.