Today the Holy Church commemorates the feast of St. Thomas the Apostles. He is the apostle of Jesus who came to India to share the love and life of Christ to all of us Indians. He was the only apostle besides St. Peter who vividly professed his faith in the Lord, “My Lord and my Lord.”
He had a deep love for Jesus and was even willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of Christ. He was given the nickname ‘doubting Thomas’ because of his unbelief in the Risen Christ. But Jesus cleared his doubts by allowing him to touch and put his finger in the wounds in order to confirm the resurrection. The movement from unbelief to belief of St Thomas about Jesus is also a reason for us to believe in Jesus, to understand his love for us and also to grow in his love.
As human beings we all have doubts especially with regard to our faith in Jesus Christ, about the existence of God, the paschal mystery, the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and so on. Many of us also may have difficulty to believe everything that the Church teaches us.
However, I would say having doubts is good because it is the key to have a profound meaning and understanding about God. Having doubts can also lead us to what is real and genuine. In a way doubts will also help us to stand firm and be strong in our faith, that’s what happened to St. Thomas.
To conclude, as a believers and followers of Christ, we are invited to have a deep love for Jesus as St. Thomas did and also to continue Jesus’ mission in bringing more people to come closer to God especially to those who have lost their faith and belief in Jesus Christ.
Akshi Wary csc - Readings: Eph 2:19- 22; Jn 20: 24-29 Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Thomas who is honoured as the apostle of India. He is remembered as someone who refused to believe the other disciples in their claim that Jesus is risen from the dead. Being…
By Dr Tiju Thomas - St. Thomas the apostle, also called Didymus would likely have been a sceptical philosopher or a scientist, if he were around. He was a cautious believer, and for good reasons, he is called the ‘doubting Thomas’! He sought empirical proof for the resurrection. The remarkable…
By Arun D - Readings: Act 10: 24- 35; 1 Pet 1: 3-9; Jn 20: 24- 29 The feast of St Thomas the Apostle reminds us of the tender mercy of Jesus who relented to the rebellious attitude of Thomas to see and believe. He made one remark and has…
Akshi Wary csc - Readings: Eph 2:19- 22; Jn 20: 24-29 Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Thomas who is honoured as the apostle of India. He is remembered as someone who refused to believe the other disciples in their claim that Jesus is risen from the dead. Being…
By Dr Tiju Thomas - St. Thomas the apostle, also called Didymus would likely have been a sceptical philosopher or a scientist, if he were around. He was a cautious believer, and for good reasons, he is called the ‘doubting Thomas’! He sought empirical proof for the resurrection. The remarkable…
By Arun D - Readings: Act 10: 24- 35; 1 Pet 1: 3-9; Jn 20: 24- 29 The feast of St Thomas the Apostle reminds us of the tender mercy of Jesus who relented to the rebellious attitude of Thomas to see and believe. He made one remark and has…