Strive for Holiness and Humility

Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Is 10: 5-7,13-16; Mt 11: 25-27

Today’s readings speak about God’s mighty power, which subdues all nations under his feet. In this reading, God reveals himself to Israel by bringing it under his control. God uses Assyria as an instrument of judgment against Israel and later condemns its arrogance. The Assyrians were proud of their success, strength, and wisdom, but God declares that he will bring destruction upon them mightily.

In the gospel reading, Jesus offers a thanksgiving prayer to the Father for revealing himself through him. Jesus praises the Father for disclosing divine truth not only to the wise and intelligent but also to the “little children,” referring to ordinary and humble people who lack status or position.

Throughout history, God has revealed himself to humble hearts such as Moses, Abraham, and Mother Mary, as well as to many saints. Jesus also emphasizes that authority and knowledge about the Father are entrusted to him. He reveals that only the Son knows the Father fully, just as the Father knows the Son. This intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father is demonstrated through Jesus’ humility in coming to earth to reveal the face of God to us.

Today, this serves as an invitation for each of us to strive for holiness and humility of heart, allowing the qualities of Jesus to be revealed through us.